Things men notice first when looking at a woman

You may probably sometimes wonder what men think when they notice you in the street? You’ve often heard all those superstitions concerning men first looking at your butt and breasts.

Well, according to the scientists, men pay attention to totally other things and those things don’t even have to concern your body.

If you want to read men’s minds and get to know their first thoughts when you see each other, then continue reading! You may be quite surprised that men are not what a lot of women take for granted.

Another common thing men notice first about a woman is her eyes. I’m sure you’ve heard that the eyes are the windows to your soul.

They can tell us a lot about a person. It can be easy to find out if someone is lying to you or simply telling the truth.

Eyes are real magnets that can attract and interest a stranger.

Surveys have shown that nearly 70 % of men pay attention to woman’s eyes first and only then to everything else. Don’t believe that it’s chest that men firstly pay attention to!

It’s always easier for men to compliment woman’s eyes since women respond very approvingly to compliments about their eyes rather than other parts of the body.

Long, healthy and shiny hair can’t go unnoticed. A good condition of your hair is a sign of youth and good health! They say that blonde girls are more attractive to men but this is so untrue! Women of all hair colors have the same chance.

Men have different preferences, some of them prefer blondes because they look more delicate, innocent, simply like angles. However, others will always search for brunette girls claiming that they look more mysterious.

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